Diabetes Care

Glucoblock/Diasure Capsule

Green World Glucoblock Capsule helps the recovery of insulin secretion and improves insulin bioavailability, thus balancing the blood sugar level. It…

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Royal Jelly Softgel

Royal jelly is a creamy white substance synthesized by the common worker bee for the sole nourishment of the Queen bee. It is the key factor affects …

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Spirulina Plus Capsule

Spirulina is hailed as the “Most ideal food of the 21st century” by Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. It is known as the No. …

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Compound Co-Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is one of the components of cell mitochondria, and plays a key role in energy production. It is effective in preventing coronary heart d…

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Balsam Pear Tablet

Two unique phytonutrients in Balsam pear make it a natural plant for diabetes. One is charantin which demonstrates hypoglycaemic effect on diabetic p…

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Chitosan Plus Capsule

Chitosan, the key ingredient of Green World Chitosan Capsule, is derived from the shells of marine animals. By adopting advanced technique, it is pro…

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NMN Longevity Capsule On Sale

NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) is currently one of the most researched and popular substances to slow down aging.
NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide)…

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