Our products

Arthropower/Joint Health Capsule

Joint Health Capsule

The skeleton is the framework of the human body, which is made up of bones connected by joints. Flexible joints are part of healt…

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Eye Care Softgel

Green World Blueberry Eye Care Softgel is rich in natural antioxidants – anthocyanins. Working synergistically with OPC - grape seed extract, they pr…

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Slimming Capsule

Slimming Capsule

Research shows that many diseases are closely related to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia…

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Kidney Tonifying (women)

Female urethra directly connects to the bladder and is relatively wide and straight, thus, it is prone to infections. Women have higher risks in suff…

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Kidney Tonifying (men)

It is not unusual that men start having leg and lumbar pain, insomnia, forgetfulness, listlessness, lowered libido or sexual dysfunction due to the f…

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Vigpower Capsule

The pure and natural herbal ingredients in Green World Vigpower Capsule can improve weakness caused by kidney dysfunction. This product contains nucl…

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Anti-Aging Capsule

The varieties of bioactive plant essence in Green World Blueberry Anti-Aging Capsule participates the cell metabolism. Aging is closely related to th…

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Uterus Cleansing Pill On Sale

The Green World Uterus Cleansing Pill is a product that brings great benefits to its users (women). Women are usually vulnerable to many gynaecologic…

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Prostate disorders are closely related to age. After 50 years old, prostate disorders are among the most common health complaints of men. Prostate di…

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Anti-addiction Capsule

Suitable for:
People who are addicted to a drug(s) and alcoholism.
People who are going through drug rehabilitation
People who are addicted to smoking a…

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Protein Powder

Extracted from plant sources, this product contains all amino acids required by human body, 22 amino acids among which 9 are essential. Green World P…

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Ginseng RHs Capsule

Radix ginseng contains many beneficial substances including monosaccharides, polysaccharide volatile oil, ginsenosides, amino acids, proteins, enzyme…

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Showing items 49-60 of 64
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