Our products

A-Power Capsule On Sale

Green World A-power Capsule is uniquely formulated by four important herbs – Sea buckthorn, Anoectochilus formosanus, Ganoderma and Ginseng. Bioactiv…

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1. Activate blood platelet, promote platelet aggregation, and restrain bleeding quickly.
2. Promote the generation of basic fibroblast growth factors …

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Eye Care Softgel

Green World Blueberry Eye Care Softgel is rich in natural antioxidants – anthocyanins. Working synergistically with OPC - grape seed extract, they pr…

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Balsam Pear Tablet

Two unique phytonutrients in Balsam pear make it a natural plant for diabetes. One is charantin which demonstrates hypoglycaemic effect on diabetic p…

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Hepatsure Capsule

Protects, repairs, and stabilizes liver cells;
Alleviates symptoms of acute and chronic hepatitis, fatty liver and liver cirrhosis;
Strengthens liver f…

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Blueberry Slimming Body

-A meal replacement for carbs food
-Replenish essential nutrients during the weight loss program.
-Counteract free radicals generated during a…

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Uterus Cleansing Pill On Sale

The Green World Uterus Cleansing Pill is a product that brings great benefits to its users (women). Women are usually vulnerable to many gynaecologic…

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Glucoblock/Diasure Capsule

Green World Glucoblock Capsule helps the recovery of insulin secretion and improves insulin bioavailability, thus balancing the blood sugar level. It…

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Multivitamins Tablets

Vitamins are a group of nutrients that are essential for metabolism and normal cell function. Your body requires two kinds of vitamins: fat soluble v…

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Vitamin E

Vitamin E works with other antioxidants to produce a synergistically antioxidant effect in the body. It plays a key role in reproductive function and…

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Compound Marrow Powder On Sale

Adopting high-tech process, Green World Compound Marrow Powder is made out of the extracts from fresh bovine brain, spinal cord and marrow after the …

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Kidney Tonifying (women)

Female urethra directly connects to the bladder and is relatively wide and straight, thus, it is prone to infections. Women have higher risks in suff…

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Showing items 25-36 of 64
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