Our products

Detoxin Pad

By pasting the Green World Detoxin Pad on the sole, it seizes then expels the toxins, wasted body fluids, dampness and other pathogens accumulated in…

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Soybean Lecithin

Lecithin is the basic material for life, the more lecithin content in body, the stronger the metabolism, immunity, renewable ability, the healthier t…

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Cordyceps Plus Capsule On Sale

Considered as a rare and precious herb by TCM, Cordyceps is rich in amino acids, vitamins, and trace elements essential to human body. It also contai…

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Aloe Vera Plus Capsule

A detoxifier and antioxidant inhibiting the bacterial growth and improving immunity.


Green World Aloe Vera Plus Capsule improves healthy bowel…

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Spirulina Plus Capsule

Spirulina is hailed as the “Most ideal food of the 21st century” by Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. It is known as the No. …

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Balsam Pear Tablet

Two unique phytonutrients in Balsam pear make it a natural plant for diabetes. One is charantin which demonstrates hypoglycaemic effect on diabetic p…

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Calcium Softgel(adults)

Calcium is essential for human health and a key component of bone. Calcium deficiency and loss makes the major cause of osteoporosis, which leads to …

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Blueberry Juice

Rich in blueberry anthocyanins extracted with low temperature and hyperosmosis technology, integrated with American cherry powder and plant dietary f…

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Ishine Capsule

Good sleep is essential for optimal health, and poor sleep quality significantly affects your cognition, performance, safety, and overall health. Gre…

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Jinpure Capsule

Jinpure Capsule stimulates the body’s defence mechanisms and increases the immune system’s general resistance, preventing virus breeding.
they are als…

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Compound Calcium Nutrient Powder with Blood Sugar

Health Benefits:
1. Supplement calcium
2. Prevent & alleviate osteoporosis.
3. Increase bone density & improve bone remodeling.
4. Improve joint …

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Ginkgo Biloba Capsule On Sale

Ginkgo biloba is widely touted as a “brain herb” for its benefits in preventing memory loss and senile dementia, as well as improving brain functions…

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Showing items 25-36 of 64
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